Mobile Therapist performing an massage in a clients home

What To Expect From A Mobile Massage Treatment

The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Massage Treatments: Bringing Relaxation to Your Doorstep

How to prepare for your massage?

If you would like your at-home massage to be as relaxing as possible there are a few things you can do in advance before your therapist arrives. To create a spa-like environment you may want to draw the curtains and light some aromatherapy candles. You may want to have a hot bath and slip into a dressing gown ready to start your treatment. It’s also a good idea to pop the heating on as when you relax your body temperature will drop, so best to get the room warm.

What does the massage therapist bring?

Your massage therapist will bring everything they need to give you a professional treatment at home. This includes a mobile massage bed, massage oil, consultation card, hygiene products towels and pillows. There is no need to help in setting up either, mobile therapists are very good at doing this swiftly on their own and will keep you informed on anything they may need to do, like access to a sink to wash their hands or a socket to plug in an electric blanket or heat equipment.

What should I wear?

You may need to remove clothing to your underwear or upper or lower body only depending on the area you would like to be massaged. Your therapist will give you time to change in private and have a towel on the bed ready for you to slip yourself under until they come back into the room to help you get more comfortable and properly covered. Only the area being massaged will be uncovered before being covered again to move on to another area.

How will my therapist know what I want?

Your therapist will do a full consultation with you and ask further questions to be able to tailor your massage for you. Your therapist will want to find out if you are used to having massage treatments or if it's something new to you, if you know the pressure level you prefer, and if you have any areas of pain or tension that you would like to be concentrated on. It’s also good to find out a little about your lifestyle to be able to give you correct aftercare and treatment plan recommendations.

What will happen during the massage?

Your therapist will play relaxing music, give you things to do like working on your breath etc to help you start to relax, check on your comfort and temperature, and then begin your massage allowing you to relax, dose and maybe even fall asleep, only to wake you at the end of the treatment or to help to turn you over halfway through. Your therapist will check if the pressure is ok for you during the massage.

When the massage is over you will be left to rise gently, dress and relax while your therapist comes back in and starts packing up to leave you in peace.

Mobile massage services in Edinburgh & Newcastle

Little City Treat helps you to find and book mobile massage therapists in Edinburgh & Newcastle. Choose from a wide range of highly rated, experienced and friendly therapists.